Monday, January 9, 2023

Sublimation in Psychology


Sublimation is a generally adaptive strategy of managing potentially harmful urges into safe and acceptable activities. Feelings of anger and the urge to be aggressive may be deployed when exercising or playing sports. Desire for risky or unacceptable sex may be expressed in artistic projects that are not necessarily sexual.

Sublimation is a Level 7 Defense Mechanism.

Sublimation and the Psychology of Religion

Religion can be seen as a form of sublimation. Religious people often channel their emotions, desires, and fears into their faith. They may pray, meditate, or participate in religious rituals as a way of dealing with difficult emotions. Religion can also provide a sense of community and belonging, which can be helpful for people who are struggling with loneliness or isolation.


A- Z List of Defense Mechanisms with descriptions


Psychotic Defense Mechanisms described


Defense Mechanisms Rating Scales

            Form Self-Report 30

            Q-Sort Version


See Cohen and Kim 2020

Geoffrey W. Sutton, PhD is Emeritus Professor of Psychology. He retired from a clinical practice and was credentialed in clinical neuropsychology and psychopharmacology. His website is


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Dr. Sutton’s posts are for educational purposes only. See a licensed mental health provider for diagnoses, treatment, and consultation.

Photo credit: Painting of Two men and two women enjoying a vigorous game of tennis by Geoff Sutton and DALL.E 24 March 2023

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