Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Imagination in Psychology

Psychologists define imagination as the ability to form and manipulate mental images, concepts, and ideas that are not present to the senses. It involves creating scenarios, visualizing outcomes, and exploring possibilities beyond the immediate reality. Imagination is often linked to creativity, problem-solving, and empathy, as it allows individuals to think outside the box and understand different perspectives.

Neel Burton is a psychiatrist and philosopher. In a Psychology Today article, he provided the following definition:

I define imagination as the faculty of the mind that forms and manipulates images, propositions, concepts, emotions, and sensations above and beyond, and sometimes independently, of incoming stimuli, to open up the realms of the abstract, the figurative, the possible, the hypothetical, and the paradigmatic or universal. (Burton, 2024, June 24)

A journal article, "Imagination as an intellectual virtue" by Déborah Marber and Alan T Wilson offers a discussion of imagination from a virtue epistemology perspective, highlighting its role in creativity and empathy. Following is a quote:

“...the intellectual virtue of imagination is a character trait consisting of dispositions to engage skilfully in activities characteristic of imagining, with good judgement and from appropriate epistemic motivations.” (Marber & Wilson, 2024, Abstract)


Burton, N. (2024, June 24). The psychology and philosophy of imagination. Psychology Today.

Marber, D., & Wilson, A. T. (2023). Imagination as an intellectual virtue. Analysis, Advance Article.

Post Author


Geoffrey W. Sutton PhD is Emeritus Professor of Psychology who publishes book and articles about clinical and social psychology including the psychology of religion. Website:


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