Wednesday, October 5, 2022

IQ Intelligence Quotient

IQ is an initialism for Intelligence Quotient, which is a score on a general intelligence test. An Intelligence Quotient is a standard score. On most tests, an average or mean IQ = 100 and a common standard deviation is either 15 or 16 points depending on the test.

The IQ score represents a person's standing compared to other test-takers of a similar age and culture. IQ is one indicator of how well a person can learn.

Over the years, words associated with different scores have changed. The labels for low scores became insults and the labels for high scores became badges of pride for parents of high scoring children.

Very high scores above 130 are often part of the requirements to enter special programs for advanced learners. Teacher reports and rating scales may be included along with measures of achievement.

Scores below 70 are often part of the requirements to obtain special assistance in educational settings. A common additional requirement is a measure of adaptive behavior.

IQ scores should not be used alone to determine ability because other factors like achievement, personality, and various behavioral skills are also important to learning. 

Read more about Intelligence and Types of Intelligence here.


Sutton, G. W. (2022, October 5). IQ: Intelligence Quotient. Sutton Psychology. Retrieved from

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