Showing posts with label psychology of religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psychology of religion. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Cultural Christian a Psychology of Religion Concept

A Church Wedding 2025
AI image by Geoffrey W. Sutton and Artspace. ai

The term cultural Christian refers to individuals who identify with Christianity primarily due to their cultural background, upbringing, or societal norms, rather than through a strong personal faith in God, active participation in Christian practices, and living according to the teachings of Jesus. These individuals may celebrate Christian holidays, participate in rituals, and hold Christian values.

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Concept feature list

Concept assessment


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Sutton, G. W. (2025, January 28). Cultural Christian: A psychology of religion concept. Psychology Concepts and Theories. Retrieved from

Concept Use: Cultural Christian may be used in the psychology of religion and spirituality, which is a subfield of social psychology.

There is no standard definition of the concept, cultural Christian. I offer the following suggestion.


Features of the Concept Cultural Christian

The following positive features characterize a cultural Christian:

Celebrates some Christian holidays such as Christmas and Easter

Participates in some Christian practices such as infant baptism, a church wedding, a church funeral

Participates in some Christian ministries, which may include occasional attendance at Christian services, volunteering in a Christian ministry, performing Christian music

Demonstrates a commitment to several Christian values such as forgiveness, peacemaking, social justice

The following features are absent:

Expresses strong belief in Christianity’s supernatural realm

Expresses strong belief in Christianity’s core theological claims

Expresses a strong commitment to a branch of Christianity (e.g., Catholic, Protestant denomination) or a recognized grouping (e, g., evangelical, progressive).

Does not identify with another religion or expression of spirituality

Does not identify as nonreligious, none, atheist, or agnostic

Cultural Christian: A Qualitative Questionnaire

The following questions may be useful in interviews and research focused on Christian types. The answers may be categorized in terms of the features noted above to distinguish people are more like a cultural Christian than a committed follower.


What Christian holidays do you celebrate?

   Briefly, how do you celebrate those holidays? For example, do you attend church?

What Christian ministries do you participate in? For example, do you sing or play an instrument in a church or serve as a volunteer in a church ministry?

What Christian practices are an important part of your life? For example, prayer, bible reading, or regular church attendance.

What Christian moral values are important to you? For example, what are your beliefs about the following moral issues Christian leaders preach about?



  Divorce and remarriage

  Sexual relationships outside marriage

  Same-sex relationships and marriage


What are your views about Christian virtues such as the following?

  Demonstrating compassion for the poor

  Forgiving those who hurt you

  Expressing gratitude

  Expressing generosity

 Living a humble life

What are your views about Christian doctrines or beliefs? Following are a few examples:

  Jesus is the Son of God.

  God is a triune being referred to as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

  Jesus was born to Mary who was a virgin.

  People who do not accept Jesus as their personal savior will spend the afterlife in hell.

  God heals some people in response to prayer without any human interventions.

  Are there any other beliefs that are highly important to you?



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Related Quantitative Measures

Christian Beliefs Index

Christian Sociomoral Values Index

Pentecostal, Charismatic Spirituality scales


Davies, M. (2024, August 21). The rise of cultural Christianity: Why religion is thriving in a non-believing age. The New Statesman. Retrieved from

Frankiel, T. (2003). The cross-cultural study of Christianity: An historian's view. Religion, 33(2), 123-137.

Gaskill, A. L. (n.d.). Are you a cultural Christian? Patheos. Retrieved 28 January 2025 from

Greene, T. M. (1953). Christianity, culture, and academic integrity. Journal of the History of Ideas, 14(3), 291-306.

Sutton, G. W. (2025, January 28). Cultural Christian: A psychology of religion concept. Psychology Concepts and Theories. Retrieved from

Williams, N. (2020). Cultural Christians in the Early Church: A Historical and Practical Introduction to Christians in the Graeco-Roman World. Zondervan Academic.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Cult and Psychology


Spiritual Lights 2024 by
Geoffrey W. Sutton & Designer

In psychology, cult is an old and somewhat vague term that was used to describe a religious group having several of the following characteristics:

 High cohesiveness

 An influential and authoritarian leader

 A highly organized authoritarian structure

A high demand for group loyalty supported by coercive social power such as peer group pressure

 A set of features not commonly found in established religious groups:

Beliefs such as unique interpretations of, or based upon, an existing religious text

            Values that may be unique or rare compared to other groups

            Practices or rituals that may be unique or rare compared to other groups

Unique documents such as a new religious text

            Secretive practices or meeting places

            Hostility toward particular outgroups

An example of an analysis of religious groups and cults can be found in Galanter (2013).


Cult Conversion

Castaño et al. (2022) referred to cults as groups of psychological abuse (GPA) in their study of warning signs related to cult conversion based on the views of people related to group members. In their summary, they reported the following:

Analyses revealed that warning signs, vulnerability factors, and motivational elements were key drivers for understanding the process of cult recruitment and participation. Moreover, results indicated that cult conversion of an individual has measurable mental health and well-being consequences for their relatives, as family members are often left legally helpless and without access to specialized psychological support.




New Religious Movements (NRMs)

Psychologists and sociologists prefer the term, New Religious Movement (NRM) to identify groups having many of the characteristics and features mentioned above. In psychology, NRMs are an area of study within the Psychology of Religion, which is a subfield of Social Psychology. NRMs do not necessarily produce harmful effects. See Woody (2009) regarding the term cult and teaching about religion and spirituality.

Abusive Groups

Abusive groups is a useful term that includes both NRMs and nonreligious groups linked to harmful effects on their members. The types of harm are generally considered by assessing the wellbeing of group members in the group or after they have left the group. Abusive groups may have many of the characteristics and features previously used to describe a religious cult as described above. For an example of the harmful effects on people who former members of a group, see Antelo et al. (2021).

Violent Groups

Violent groups is a useful term that includes NRMs and nonreligious groups that perpetrate harm on members of other groups or society in general. Violent groups may include the features of abusive groups thus the harm is directed outward toward nonmembers as well as inward toward group members. For examples of research articles, see Gomez et al. (2020) and Gøtzsche-Astrup et al. (2020).

Sects versus Cults

A sect may have some features of a cult but there is an identification with a more established religious tradition. For example, sects may share some common beliefs, practices, or values in addition to their distinctive features.

Expanded use of the term cult

In the general culture, the term cult has been used to describe a variety of nonreligious groups that have many of the features of a religious cult mentioned above. For example, the groups may be primarily political, health focused, or philosophical.


Why Many Scientists Prefer Other Terms

1. The term cult is often used as a label to refer to groups and the people in the groups (cultists) in a negative or pejorative way. Currently, the term cult and related terms like cult leader and cultic practices are used to insult people who are strongly committed to a minority religious, quasi-religious, or other distinctive group.

2. Scientists note that some established religious groups were once considered cults. If you think about some of the newer, or even some older religious groups, you may find that several of the characteristics of a cult could apply to group members who are highly devoted to their group and believe their group offers the true path to salvation or a better nation.

3. Experts disagree on which groups should be identified as a cult, a sect, or even another religion.

4. Social concerns appear to focus on the harm done to group members or society, which requires adding adjectives like positive cults, negative cults, or benign cults, destructive cults.

Related Links

 Abuse  Spiritual or Religious Abuse

Brainwashing  Brainwashing  

 Neglect   Spiritual or Religious Neglect 

Group Polarization   Group Polarization Effect

Guilt   Psychology of Guilt 

Harassment  Spiritual or Religious Harassment  

Toxic Triad   Psychology's Toxic Triad  


Find questionnaires for the measurement of religious or spiritual beliefs, practices, values, and experiences in 

Assessing Spirituality & Religiosity

Available on AMAZON      AMAZON 


Antelo, E., Saldaña, O., & Rodríguez-Carballeira, Á. (2021). The impact of group psychological abuse on distress: the mediating role of social functioning and resilience. European journal of psychotraumatology12(1), 1954776.

Castaño, Á., Bélanger, J. J., & Moyano, M. (2022). Cult conversion from the perspective of families: Implications for prevention and psychological intervention. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 14(1), 148–160.

 Galanter, M. (2013). Charismatic groups and cults: A psychological and social analysis. In K. I. Pargament, J. J. Exline, & J. W. Jones (Eds.), APA handbook of psychology, religion, and spirituality (Vol. 1): Context, theory, and research (pp. 729–740). American Psychological Association.

 Gómez, Á., Martínez, M., Martel, F. A., López-Rodríguez, L., Vázquez, A., Chinchilla, J., Paredes, B., Hettiarachchi, M., Hamid, N., & Swann, W. B. (2021). Why People Enter and Embrace Violent Groups. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 614657.

Gøtzsche-Astrup, O., van den Bos, K., & Hogg, M. A. (2020). Radicalization and violent extremism: Perspectives from research on group processes and intergroup relations. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 23(8), 1127-1136.

Olson, P. J. (2006). The Public Perception of "Cults" and "New Religious Movements." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 45(1), 97–106.

Woody, W. D. (2009). Use of cult in the teaching of psychology of religion and spirituality. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 1(4), 218–232.



Geoffrey W. Sutton, PhD is Emeritus Professor of Psychology. He retired from a clinical practice and was credentialed in clinical neuropsychology and psychopharmacology. His website is


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  Academia   Geoff W Sutton     ResearchGate   Geoffrey W Sutton 


Dr. Sutton’s posts are for educational purposes only. See a licensed mental health provider for diagnoses, treatment, and consultation. 




Friday, January 26, 2024

Christian Psychology as a concept


Christian Counseling 2024
Created by Geoffrey Sutton with Designer

Christian Psychology

Christian psychology is an approach to psychology that begins with a Christian understanding of the soul. Sizemore (2011) credited two philosophers, Stephen Evans and Robert Roberts, with the impetus for Christian psychology based on their challenge to develop a Christian psychology based on a Christian framework and not limited to the variables studied in secular psychology.

Sisemore referred to a journal as “the primary voice of the position, Edification: The Transdisciplinary Journal of the Society for Christian Psychology.”

Sisemore also referred to Eric Johnson’s work (e.g., see Johnson, 2020), including the Society for Christian Psychology (Johnson was the director when Sisemore's article was written).

Christian psychology is one of the views in Johnson's (2010)  Five Views book referenced below. The book includes a chapter on Christian psychology and perspectives on other views.


Johnson, E. L. (Ed). (2010). Psychology and Christianity: Five Views (2nd ed.). Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic.

Sisemore, T. A. (2011). An introduction to the Christian psychology special issue. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 30, (4), 271-273.

Sutton, G. W. (2024, January 26). Christian psychology. Psychology Concepts and Theories. Retrieved from

Related post

Psychology defined

Geoffrey W. Sutton, PhD is Emeritus Professor of Psychology. He retired from a clinical practice and was credentialed in clinical neuropsychology and psychopharmacology. His website is


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You can read many published articles at no charge:

  Academia   Geoff W Sutton     ResearchGate   Geoffrey W Sutton 


Dr. Sutton’s posts are for educational purposes only. See a licensed mental health provider for diagnoses, treatment, and consultation. 

 A related resource

Assessing Spirituality & Religiosity


Sunday, September 24, 2023

Rambo's Stage Theory of Religious Conversion

Changing Churches 2023
by Geoffrey W Sutton & Bing AI

Lewis Rambo, a leading theorist associated with the study of religious conversions, has presented a seven-stage process model of change from one religion to another. The model draws upon multidisciplinary sources of evidence and ideas focused on the process of religious conversion.

The model has been used to identify the stages of conversion and deconversion. The seven stages are:

1 Context: The dynamic personal, social, and cultural environment of the person. Contexts may be large such as a nation or as small as family and friends (microcontexts).

2 Crisis: The person becomes aware of difficulties and the lack of effectiveness. A crisis event is common in stories of conversion. Rambo suggests a variety of crises such as religious, psychological, cultural, and political. Crises may be described by five variables: Intensity, Duration, Scope, Source, Old/New. Crises may also be viewed from the perspective of research on Religious Struggles.

3 Quest: Possibly in response to a crisis, the person searches for meaning and a purpose in life.

4 Encounter: The person meets a key person who connects them with the new religion.

5 Interaction: The person develops an interest in the new way of living including new beliefs, practices, and experiences.

6 Commitment: The person goes public with their new faith. For example, a Christian becomes baptised. In some faiths, the person gives their testimony. To use a Christian phrase, they have become born again.

7 Consequences: Following conversion, there are consequences for the person and the group. The consequences may be dramatic or slow and the consequences are varied. On a personal level, some converts report a powerful sense of love, relief from guilt, and even a calling.


 The seven stages do not indicate a rigid stepwise process but allows for variation in a person’s movement from one religion to another. 

Along with the model that describes the process of change, the theory posits five types of conversions: apostasy, intensification, affiliation, institutional transition, tradition transition.

Although the model focuses on the process of conversion, it may also be seen as a model of deconversion for those already in a religion who enter a process of changing within their religion to another group, to another religion, or even leaving religion.

Related Concepts

Big Four Religious Dimensions

Religious Deidentification

Religious Residue Effect


Rambo, L. R. (1993). Understanding religious conversion. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Geoffrey W. Sutton, PhD is Emeritus Professor of Psychology. He retired from a clinical practice and was credentialed in clinical neuropsychology and psychopharmacology. His website is


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   X  @Geoff.W.Sutton    

You can read many published articles at no charge:

  Academia   Geoff W Sutton     ResearchGate   Geoffrey W Sutton 


Dr. Sutton’s posts are for educational purposes only. See a licensed mental health provider for diagnoses, treatment, and consultation.

Key concepts

Psychology of Religious Conversion

Psychology of Religious Deconversion

Religious Commitment

Religious or Spiritual Quest

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Big Four Religious Dimensions Model and Psychology


The Big Four Religious Dimensions Model is a theoretical model of the psychological dimensions of religion proposed by Vassilis Saroglou (2011). The model illustrates four basic dimensions, which are universally true of religions across multiple cultures and distinguish religion from other social constructs.

See the paragraphs below for a summary of The Big Four Religious Dimensions. The concepts in parentheses link to the SCOPES model of psychosocial functioning.

Believing (Cognition)

The key feature of believing, a cognitive function, are beliefs in transcendence; that is, in God, gods, or spiritual forces beyond people and the natural world. This dimension sets the religious apart from atheists, the nonreligious, and the nonspiritual. This dimension is also relevant to understanding religion as a meaning-making process.

Bonding (Emotion)

The key feature of bonding is the emotional experience people find through religious practices or rituals. The experiences bond the religious to their ultimate reality. Examples of common rituals which vary across religions and cultures are prayer, meditation, worship, public ceremonies, and pilgrimages.

Behaving (Behavior Patterns)

Morality is the key feature of behaving in right or wrong ways according to one’s religion. The moral values promote social order and reciprocal altruism. Religions offer higher moral standards than found in the host culture and provide taboos that are nonnegotiable. Examples of this moral feature include the widely acclaimed virtues such as altruism, sacrifice, and humility.

Belonging (Social Context)

Religions offer people a social identity and meet a universal need to belong. They are transcultural and transhistorical thus promoting a valuable social identity and group self-esteem. People sharing the same religion celebrate a connectedness when they meet at international events. And religions connect people with an illustrious past and a hope-filled perspective on eternity.

Saroglou suggests how the combination of two dimensions may link to recognizable forms of religious communities or expressions.

Believing + Bonding = Spirituality

Believing + Behaving = Intrinsic Religion

Believing + Belonging = Orthodox religious groups

Bonding + Behaving = Asceticism

Bonding + Belonging = Charismatic communities

Behaving + Belonging = Moral communities

Related Posts

Rambo's Stage Theory of Religious Conversion

Religious Deidentification

SCOPES model of human functioning


Saroglou, V. (2011). Believing, Bonding, Behaving, and Belonging: The Big Four Religious Dimensions and Cultural Variation. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42(8), 1320–1340.

Geoffrey W. Sutton, PhD is Emeritus Professor of Psychology. He retired from a clinical practice and was credentialed in clinical neuropsychology and psychopharmacology. His website is


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   TWITTER  @Geoff.W.Sutton    

You can read many published articles at no charge:

  Academia   Geoff W Sutton     ResearchGate   Geoffrey W Sutton 


Dr. Sutton’s posts are for educational purposes only. See a licensed mental health provider for diagnoses, treatment, and consultation.

Friday, September 22, 2023

Religious Deidentification and Psychology

Leaving church behind 2023
Geoffrey W Sutton & Bing Images

In the psychology of religion, religious deidentification refers to a change from endorsing a religious self-identity to no longer identifying as religious.

Although the concept appears similar to deconversion, it is different because the focus is on a change in self-identity rather than a focus on leaving a religious tradition.  Also, deidentification may be nuanced as people continue some aspects of a previous religious identity. The persistent features have been called religious residue. See Van Tongeren & DeWall (2021).


Van Tongeren, D. R., & DeWall, C. N. (2021). Disbelief, disengagement, discontinuance, and disaffiliation: An integrative framework for the study of religious deidentification. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.

Geoffrey W. Sutton, PhD is Emeritus Professor of Psychology. He retired from a clinical practice and was credentialed in clinical neuropsychology and psychopharmacology. His website is


See Geoffrey Sutton’s books on   AMAZON       or  GOOGLE STORE

Follow on    FACEBOOK   Geoff W. Sutton    

   TWITTER  @Geoff.W.Sutton    

You can read many published articles at no charge:

  Academia   Geoff W Sutton     ResearchGate   Geoffrey W Sutton 


Dr. Sutton’s posts are for educational purposes only. See a licensed mental health provider for diagnoses, treatment, and consultation.

Religious Residue Effect in Psychology


Religious Residue Effect 2023
Geoffrey W Sutton with Bing Images

The religious residue effect describes the finding that features of people's previous religiosity continue to be a part of a their life after they no longer identify as religious. 

These residual effects may be evident in beliefs and attitudes, bonding practices (e.g., baptisms, ceremonies), moral behavior, and interactions with religious people maintaining a sense of belonging. See Van Tongeren et al. (2021).

Van Tongeren and DeWall draw upon the work of Saroglou (e.g., Saroglou et al., 2020), who present the Big Four of religion, which refer to four components of religion. When people leave religion (deidentification), they continue to reveal their former religious identity.

The Big Four are:

Believing- what people believe about God or gods and the supernatural

Bonding- faith practices that bring people together and create emotional bonds

Behaving- the way people ought to behave-- the moral influence of religion

Belonging- the social dimension of faith that connects people to their community


Saroglou, V., Clobert, M., Cohen, A. B., Johnson, K. A., Ladd, K. L., Van Pachterbeke, M., Adamovova, L., Blogowska, J., Brandt, P.-Y., Çukur, C. S., Hwang, K.-K., Miglietta, A., Motti-Stefanidi, F., Munoz-García, A., ˜ Murken, S., Roussiau, N., & Tapia Valladares, J. (2020). Believing, bonding, behaving, and belonging: The cognitive, emotional, moral, and social dimensions of religiousness across cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 51(7–8), 551–575. 0022022120946488

Van Tongeren, D. R., & DeWall, C. N. (2021). Disbelief, disengagement, discontinuance, and disaffiliation: An integrative framework for the study of religious deidentification. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.

Van Tongeren, D. R., DeWall, C. N., Chen, Z., Sibley, C. G., & Bulbulia, J. (2021). Religious residue: Cross-Cultural evidence that religious psychology and behavior persist following deidentification. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(2), 484–503. pspp0000288

Geoffrey W. Sutton, PhD is Emeritus Professor of Psychology. He retired from a clinical practice and was credentialed in clinical neuropsychology and psychopharmacology. His website is


See Geoffrey Sutton’s books on   AMAZON       or  GOOGLE STORE

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   TWITTER  @Geoff.W.Sutton    

You can read many published articles at no charge:

  Academia   Geoff W Sutton     ResearchGate   Geoffrey W Sutton 


Dr. Sutton’s posts are for educational purposes only. See a licensed mental health provider for diagnoses, treatment, and consultation.

Monday, September 4, 2023

Spiritual Bypassing and Psychotherapy

Spiritual bypassing (Welwood, 1984) refers to the use of spirituality to avoid dealing with psychological factors important to psychological wellbeing.

The phenomenon was known to psychotherapists who observed people using their religiosity or spirituality to avoid doing the hard work needed to deal with their mental health issues.

The construct was operationally defined by Fox and others (2017) in the Spiritual Bypass Scale. Two factors appear to represent the construct: One is Psychological Avoidance and the other is Spiritualizing.


A spiritual bypass is analogous to a drug that temporarily reduces distress without offering a long-lasting cure.

A spiritual bypass may be evident in sayings that distract a patient from their symptoms or getting the treatment they need. 

A few examples:

"When God closes a door, He opens a window."

"All things happen for a reason."

"God doesn't give you more than you can handle."

"God will protect you."

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

"God has you in the palm of his hand."

"I'll pray about it."

"God works in mysterious ways."

Although some find the foregoing sayings comforting, the expressions may interfere with health or mental health if they are used to avoid treatment or end treatment too soon. Thus the examples are not about a particular saying or belief, but rather cues to think about any spiritual message that is a barrier to improved functioning.

Hypothesis: Patients prone to using a spiritual bypass may benefit from faith-based counseling or pastoral counseling.

Related post

See the Spiritual Bypass Scale

    Spiritual Bypass Scale-13

Fox, J., Cashwell, C. S., & Picciotto, G. (2017). The opiate of the masses: Measuring spiritual bypass and its relationship to spirituality, religion, mindfulness, psychological distress, and personality. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 4(4), 274-287. doi:

Sutton, G. W. (2023, September 4). Spiritual bypassing and psychotherapy. PSYCHOLOGY Concepts and Theories. Retrieved from

Welwood, J. (1984). Principles of inner work: Psychological and spiritual. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 16, 63–73.

Geoffrey W. Sutton, PhD is Emeritus Professor of Psychology. He retired from a clinical practice and was credentialed in clinical neuropsychology and psychopharmacology. His website is


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You can read many published articles at no charge:

  Academia   Geoff W Sutton     ResearchGate   Geoffrey W Sutton 


Dr. Sutton’s posts are for educational purposes only. See a licensed mental health provider for diagnoses, treatment, and consultation.

For measures related to Spirituality and Religiosity, see 

Assessing Spirituality and Religiosity   

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