In group studies, it is common for people of low power or status to suppress their opinion and shift to supporting the opinion of the Highest Paid Person. This can be seen as a survival strategy.
HIPPO or HiPPO is an acronym for the
Hi Highest
P paid
P person's
O opinion
HiPPO is also known as the HiPPO effect, Hippo syndrome, HiPPO culture, HiPPO management style, and the concept has been called HiPPO theory.
HiPPO effects can be seen in business closures when decisions by the top executive resulted in disaster. To avoid HiPPO disasters, decision makers in organizations need to create a psychological safe environment that permits the sharing of different opinions about products, services, and other decisions within an organization.
In the Psychology of Religion, HiPPO effects can be seen when religious leaders make decisions based on perceived divine revelation and refuse to take direction from church, school, and other organizational boards.
Kohavi, R. et al. (2007). Practical guide to controlled experiments on the Web" Listen to your customers not to the HiPPO. KDD'07.
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A book that mentions the HiPPO problem is Think Again by Adam Grant
Photo credit: I took the picture of the Hippo at the St Louis Zoo