Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Reparative therapy

 see conversion therapy

Reorientation therapy

 See conversion therapy

Conversion Therapy

 Conversion therapy is a process designed to change individuals same-sex or bisexual orientation to heterosexual orientation. The process has been used by religious groups that believe same-sex orientation or same-sex sexual activity to be sinful. In the past, psychoanalytic theories linked adult homosexuality to dysfunctional family influence or childhood trauma.

As of 2021, the major professional organizations for psychiatry, psychology, counseling, and social work oppose conversion therapy. There is a lack of scientific evidence supporting the practice and there is evidence that some people are harmed by conversion therapy.

APA statement on sexual orientation and change efforts.

Patients who participated in conversion therapy have reported a variety of negative effects such as depression, suicidality, anxiety, sexual dysfunction, social dysfunction, and low self-esteem.

Other terms for conversion therapy:

change therapy, reorientation therapy, reparative therapy, sexual orientation change efforts